Our best

2,5 milioni


Year of launch 1988
Inventor Daar El Tal
How the project came about
Daar Et Al, abitante del kibbutz agricolo Hagoshrim, in Israele, took the idea for this smart invention from an electric machine designed to pluck chickens. This tool had a rotating spring that thanks to its shape and speed could pluck chickens very fast.
So, the inventor made small prototypes and then, after a lot of trials and a quite complex engineering phase, the project of an electric razor for women became more solid.

Our input The inventor founded a company in Israel and started to trade the first model while developing a second one, smaller and rechargeable. We invested directly on this project and took care of the launch of the model Epilady Up to You, which, as the name may suggest, made possible for women to shave their legs without going to a beautician.
Why was it successful?
The reason why we sold millions of units right after the launch was undoubtedly the fact that it was the first tool of its kind. A pioneer.
In 1994 we left the project, but the success was so huge that many competitors thought of any strategy to bypass the patent of Epilady, not always successfully.